
10/21/23:  Mattress fundraiser - High School Gym - if you are in the market for a new                           mattress  come check out the brand name mattresses! 10 am - 4:30 pm

10/23/23 - Jazz band practice during ELT

                            Wildlife Field Trip

                            Water Testing

10/24/23 - Army Recruiter in during lunches 

                             Strength Club meeting during ELT

10/25/23 - Halloween Safety

                             FCCLA Leadership UW Stevens Point

                             Sources of Strength meeting during ELT

10/26/23 - No School for Students- Teacher In-Service

10/27/23 - No School

10/28/23 - Halloween Hoopla @ Fremont Elementary 10 am - 1 pm

Important Dates:

11/1/23 - Community Blood Drive

11/3/23 - Senior Pictures are due to Mrs. Beyer

11/8/23 - End of 1st Quarter

11/22/23 - 11/24/23 - Thanksgiving Break