The weather is constantly changing and is starting to get colder! Please send your students in the appropriate clothing . Jackets, hats, mittens, snowpants, and boots. Please label your student items if possible:
Parking at the end of the day: Please allow plenty of parking spaces for our younger children to cross by the school to the sidewalk. Please park beyond the yellow lines, closer to the grass area.
Vacations: If you know your student will be missing school due to a trip out of town, please fill out a Pre-Arranged absence form. Just ask the school just ask for one at the school office. This applies for all grade levels
Coin War Fundraiser. Fun for all Classes
Wear red, white and blue on Friday 11/10/23 for Veterans day!
11/15 PTA Meeting Weyauwga Elementary Library 5-6pm
- 11/22- 11/24: No School- Thanksgiving Break
- 12/115: Weyauwega Elementary Winter Concert : Grade 3-5 at 12 :30pm, K-2 at 2:00 pm
- 12/22-01/01: No School- Christmas/Winter Break
- 01/24: End of 2nd quarter
- 01/25: No School- Teacher Inservice
- 01/26: No School- Teacher Inservice