The weather is constantly changing and is getting colder! Please remember to send your child/children in the appropriate clothing for the weather. We also have a considerable amount of lost and found items by the front office that needs to be looked over.
- Lil' Shopper's Shoppe will take place for all Weyauwega Elementary students on Friday, December 8th. Classrooms will have designated times to come and shop in the Elementary Gym.
- There is still time to order your yearbook, they are $15! Go to and type in your child's school- Weyauwega Elementary! If you would like a paper form, please have your child stop by the office and grab a paper form and return ASAP! The price will be raised in January to $20.00
12/08 Lil' Shoppers Shoppe
12/13 Weyauwega Elementary Winter concert Rehearsal
- 12/15 Weyauwega Elementary Winter Concert
*Grade 3-5: 12:30 p.m
*Grade K-2 : 2:00 p.m.
- 12/22-01/01: No School- Christmas/Winter Break
- 01/24: End of 2nd quarter
- 01/25: No School- Teacher Inservice
- 01/26: No School- Teacher Inservice
- 02/19: No School- Teacher Inservice