
  • No school December 22nd-Jan 1st due to Holiday/Winter Break.  
  • Dress up days coming up for this week
  • Please remember to send your child/children in the appropriate clothing for the weather. Boots, hats, mittens, snowpants, and jackets are needed every day! 
  • There is still time to order your yearbook, they are $15! Go to jostens.com/2024yearbook and type in your child's school- Fremont Elementary! If you would like a paper form, please have your child stop by the office and grab a paper form and return ASAP! 
  • If you are sending any over the counter medications with your student to school (including cough drops) you NEED to fill out a medication form. Students are not allowed to keep any over the counter medications in their backpacks or desks. All medications need to be left in the office. You may get a medication form from the office. 

Save the date:

Here's the sign up link https://forms.gle/QUyBdfFhV6TmN6eF7

Important dates:

  • 12/22-01/01: No School- Christmas/Winter Break
  • 01/24: End of 2nd quarter
  • 01/25: No School- Teacher Inservice
  • 01/26: No School- Teacher Inservice
  • 02/07: Child Development Day
  • 02/19: No School- Teacher Inservice
  • 03/07: No School- Parent Teacher Conferences
  • 03/08: No School- Teacher Inservice