

  • The smoothie sale has been moved to this coming Tuesday, January 30th due to no school this last Tuesday.
  • The Fremont PTA family swim night is this coming Friday February 2nd at the New London Aquatic Center from 5:30pm-7:30pm. This is a FREE event for all Fremont and STEM families. Pizza and water will be provided. 
  • Make sure  to order your yearbook, they are $15! Go to and type in your child's school- Fremont Elementary! If you would like a paper form, please have your child stop by the office and grab a paper form.
  • Please remember to send boots, snowpants, jackets, hats and mittens with your child EVERYDAY! 

Open House Volunteers Needed for February 15th! 

Did you set a New Year's Resolution? Fremont Fuel Up's team is organizing a great opportunity to get active and help our school at the same time. The NFL Play 60 organization has a competition to get us moving. Download the app or use the paper tracker to keep track of your fitness minutes. If our school has the most activity minutes we could receive a $1000 grant for our school! Please help us in achieving this goal.  More information to follow next week once the competition is live! The competition starts Jan. 22

Save the date: 

Here's the sign up link

Important dates:

  • 01/30: Fuel Up smoothie sale
  • 02/02: Family Swim night at New London Pool 5:30pm-7:30pm
  • 02/05-02/09: National School Counseling Week (dress up days to be announced next week)
  • 02/07: Child Development Day
  • 02/15:  STEM Open House 6pm-7:30pm
  • 02/19: No School- Teacher Inservice
  • 03/07: No School- Parent Teacher Conferences
  • 03/08: No School- Teacher Inservice 
  • 04/12: School Dance (more information to come)