Hello and Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!! We are excited to have everyone here.
A newsletter will be sent out every Friday. This will inform you of special activities and events that may be happening in the upcoming weeks.
Helpful Information
ATTENDANCE: Call the school at 920-867-8165 by 8:30 if your child will be absent, late, or needs to leave early. Our School Day starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:15
TRANSPORTATION: To schedule or request transportation changes contact Don Lederhaus at 920-867-8943. If your child is scheduled to ride the bus but will not be riding the bus or has a bus change at the end of the day, be sure to notify Don.
BUILDING SECURITY: For the safety of your students, ONLY current students and staff members are permitted past the entry of the school. To request access to go beyond the office you will be required to sign in with a government issued ID (usually a driver’s license) This year Securly Visitor will replace the Raptor system. All adults will need to do a first time registration when we begin using this system. We pride ourselves on the security of our schools and we thank you for your patience while we make this transition. Please contact Mr. Ryan at 920-867-8160 or dryan@wfsd.k12.wi.us with questions or concerns.
FEES: Please be sure to pay registration fees online or with the office. To pay for breakfast or lunch, be sure to have the payments separate from registration. If paying by check, food service and school fees must be paid in two checks.
ATTENDANCE POLICY - It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to call school before 9:00 am on the day of the absence to excuse the absence. NOTE: More than 10 days in the school year and all guidelines for prearranged absences must be followed. (The school district reserves the right to require a note from a physician for any absence due to illness if a student is absent more than 5 days in a semester or 3 consecutive school days during the school year. If a required note is not received within two days of parent notification the absence(s) will be considered unexcused and truant.)
ABSENCES EXCUSED- With proper permission from a parent/guardian, a student may be excused from school for illness, unforeseen emergencies, funerals and other absences approved in advance by the school principal. Family vacations, medical/dental appointments, etc. will be considered individually before the student’s absence. It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to provide reasons for student absences, when at all possible, prior to the absence, and the school’s responsibility to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused.
Any medications that your child needs to take at school, parents must fill out a medication form and provide the packaging the medication comes in. Tylenol/ibuprofen is allowed to be kept in the office for students but can not be used to break a fever. If you would like to bring in Tylenol or ibuprofen you must fill out a medication form before a child can be given medication. Medication can be kept at school in the locked medication drawer.
Elementary School Day - Students will be considered in attendance for the entire school day if the student departs after 1:30 p.m. PREARRANGED ABSENCES A prearranged absence form can be obtained from the office and filled out 2 weeks in advance.
Important dates:
9/16: Picture Day
9/13 & 9/14: Horse & Buggy Day
9/27: No School-Teacher Inservice
10/9: No School-Parent Teacher Conferences 9:00 - 6:30
10/9: Scholastic Book Fair WE Library
10/18 : Picture Retake Day
10/18: PTA Meeting-Elementary Library