WE News


  • Please call the office by 9 a.m. if your student will be out.

  • If illness lasts more than two days it is recommended to call your doctor's office to be seen and get a doctor's excuse for the days the student was absent. 

Weather Guidelines: Please have students wear appropriate clothing in the morning as we are outside until school starts or unless it is below Zero. It is HIGHLY recommended to start the day out in coats, hats, mittens and boots. Please also try to label your students items to ensure they don't end up in the lost

Dress Up Days

12-16-Holiday Hat Day

12-17- Sweater & Socks Day

12-18-Warhawk Spirit Day

12-19-Holiday Hoopla Day- wear your favorite red& green festive apparel

12-20- Pajama Day


12-23 to 1-1-25: Winter Break

1-22: End of 2nd quarter

1-23 and 1-24 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice