It was a great couple days after the break. It was so nice to see everyone and hear all about the things that the students and staff did over break. With family gatherings and traveling we do tend to see a lot more illnesses. So with that in mind please take the following into consideration before sending children to school.

Parent/Guardian Tips/Parameter Regarding Illness- Please do not send your child to school if the following symptoms are present:
  1. Fever (Students will be sent home if they have a fever of 100F or more)

  2. Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea

  3. Severe cough/sore throat/congestion/runny nose

  4. Headache

  5. Chills

  6. New loss of taste/smell

  7. Shortness of breath

  8. Muscle or body aches, any persistent pain(e.g. Earaches, abdominal pain

Also please remember to call 920-867-8065 or email alind@wfsd.k12.wi.us to report any absence.


January 7th- 3rd grade Meet the Author

January 10th - Student Counsel Meeting during lunch

January 22nd - End of 2nd Quarter

January 23rd & 24th - No School In Service

bball & sball board