Parent/Guardian Tips/Parameter Regarding Illness- Please do not send your child to school if the following symptoms are present:
Fever (Students will be sent home if they have a fever of 100F or more)
Severe cough/sore throat/congestion/runny nose
New loss of taste/smell
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches, any persistent pain(e.g. Earaches, abdominal pain
Please call your student in before 9:00 a.m. to 920-867-8165 or email the office
Save the Date:
Cell Phones
Our Students have been reminded that cell phones need to remain in backpacks at all times. Our policy is that no cellphones are allowed in classroom, lunchrooms or at recess. Please talk to child about this policy. This is also located in the student handbook .
Important Dates
January 22nd - End of 2nd Quarter
January 23rd & 24th - No School In Service
February 7 - Grown Up & Me Dance