
No school - In Service Day


National FFA Week

FFA dress up day for all staff and students - monochrome day

Army recruiter in for both lunches

Prom meeting during ELT in the forum room

Girls Basketball JV and Varsity Games @ Home vs. Waupaca begin at 5:45pm

Boys Basketball JV2, JV and Varsity Games @ Stratford begin at 5:45pm


FFA dress up day for all staff and students - anything but a water bottle day

FCCLA meeting during ELT


FFA dress up day for all staff and students - USA Day

FFA Animal Day

Girls Basketball JV2, JV and Varsity Games @ Home vs. Menominee Indian begin at 5:45pm


FFA dress up day for all staff and students - Blue and Gold Day

Boys Basketball JV2, JV and Varsity Games @ Menominee Indian begin at 5:45pm

Girls Wrestling WIAA Sectionals @ Shawano vs. multiple schools begin at 6pm


Solo Ensemble @ Marion begin at 8am

Boys Wrestling Varsity Sectional @ Valders vs. multiple schools

Upcoming Events:

3/6/25 -No School - Teacher Conferences

3/7/25 - No School - In Service

3/28/25- End of Quarter 3