Fremont Elementary Newsletter
- There is still time to order student yearbooks for the 21-22 school year! You can order online by going to using ID code: 13371122 or Ms. Bellin has extra forms in the office!
- Please remember to send hats mittens, boots, snow pants, and jackets every day!
- Science fair is this Monday, 2/21/22 from 4:30pm-7:30pm in the middle school cafeteria.
**Read Across America Information was sent home on Tuesday with all students. Please return bottom half of the scavenger hunt/family night sheet to the office by Tuesday February 22nd. **
Important upcoming dates:
- 2/28-3/4: Read Across America Week
- 3/3: Family Night- Scavenger hunt & BINGO
- 3/11: 3rd-5th grade bowling night
- 3/17: K-2nd grade field trip, gone all day
- 3/18: No School: Teacher In-Service
- 3/30: End of Quarter 3
- 4/13: No School: Teacher In-Service
- 4/14-4/18: No School, Holiday Break