- For the safety of all students and staff members, all visitors MUST check in at the office before entering the building or stopping by to see students.
- WF Homecoming is coming up on 10/14/22. All of the Fremont students will be going over to Weyauwega High School for the pep rally and parade. The pep rally starts at 1:45pm, and the parade will follow. More information to come from Ms. Bellin on transportation.
- The Fall Fundraiser starts this Monday 10/3! All packets will be sent home on Monday 10/3 with each student. There will be a short kickoff video shown in class to get students excited for the fundraiser!
Important upcoming dates:
- 10/3: Fall Fundraiser starts
- 10/7: 1st grade field trip to Neuschafer Library 8:30am-11am
- 10/11: Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Field Trip.
- 10/11: Fremont PTA Meeting at 5:30pm at Fremont Elementary
- 10/12: No School- Parent Teacher conferences 9am-6:30pm
- 10/14: WF Homecoming Parade: more information to come
- 10/17: Fall Fundraiser ends
- 10/24: Picture Retake Day
- 10/26: Creepy Crawly Critters show at Neuschafer Library at 10am.
- 10/27: No School- Teacher In Service
- 10/28: No School
- 10/29: Halloween Hoopla
Reeses….Butterfingers….. Sour Patch Kids…… Oh MY!
We need your help! The Fremont PTA is looking for donations of individually wrapped candy for the Halloween Hoopla on Saturday 10/29/22. All donations can be dropped off at the Fremont Elementary office any time Monday- Friday, 7:00am-3:30pm. Donations need to be at Fremont Elementary no later than Monday 10/24/22!
Girls Basketball Information:
I’m working with Joe Titus, the girl’s varsity basketball coach, on the youth girl’s registration for this winter. Please see his note linked here. Girl’s youth basketball registration (grades 3-6) will begin on Wednesday, October 4 with in-person registration from 5:30-6:30 pm in the middle school cafeteria. Registration will run until October 18.
If you would need anything else from me, please let me know! Thanks! Julia Wohlt